Friday 30 August 2013

Meteorolgoy and Weather Prediction

Satellite Technologies

Satellites are used to monitor the weather and climate on earth from space. They either continue to orbit around earth, seeing the same spot every twelve hours. This is called polar orbiting. Satellites can also be geostationary, which means they orbit at the same speed that the earth rotates so they can watch the same spot.


Radar is an acronym for radio detection and ranging. It is an electronic piece of equipment that meteorologists use to detect rain and snow. Radar works by determining the direction and distance that reflect radio energy back on to the site.It measures the size, motion, and concentration of water droplets/ice crystals in a storm.
There is also a type of radar called "Doppler radar". This kind of radar detects precipitation intensity, wind direction/speed, and it estimates the size of hail and amount of rainfall.The Austrian physicist J.C. Doppler came up with the hypothesis that the frequency between sound waves increase as they near an observer and decrease as they move away. An example of this would be a train blowing its whistle.

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