Thursday 29 August 2013

Weather Fronts/Systems

Warm/Cold Fronts

A cold front is when cold air mass replaces warm air mass. The air behind a cold front is much colder than the air in front of it, hence "cold front". Cold fronts generally move from Northwest to Southeast. On weather maps, a cold front is the blue line with arrows pointing towards the warmer air.

A warm front is basically the opposite of a cold front. It is when warm air mass replaces cold air mass. They usually move Southwest to Northeast. The air behind a warm front is a lot warmer than the air ahead of it. A warm front is shown on a weather map as a red line with semi-circles in the direction it is going.

High/Low Pressure Systems

A low pressure system is when the pressure in the atmosphere is lower than the area around it. Winds, warm air, and lifting in the atmosphere are usually associated with a low atmospheric pressure. These are things that cause clouds, precipitation and can create tropical storms.

A high pressure system is when the pressure in the atmosphere is higher than the area around it. High pressure systems move clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern hemisphere. A high pressure in the atmosphere is caused by high air cooling, becoming more dense. Areas with a high pressure system also have more extreme high and low temperatures.

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